Welcome to Adini's Loyalty Scheme!
If you have a registered account with us and an email then you will automatically join our new loyalty scheme where you can earn points as you purchase.

For every £1 spent with us on items that are kept, you will earn 5 points. When you earn 500 points you will receive a £5 Off Voucher. The Voucher will be awarded after 28 days to allow for returns or cancellations.
Once you receive your Voucher by email, you will have 45 days to redeem it before it expires. Vouchers can only be used on orders above £30 and on full price items.
So, for example, if you spend £200 with us and do not return anything within the 14 days return period, you will automatically be emailed two £5 Off Vouchers, 28 days after your purchase. These will be valid to use within 45 days. Vouchers cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers. Vouchers only come in denominations of £5 but multiple vouchers can be used on one order.
Gold Members
If you earn 3000 points within a 12 month period, you will automatically become a Gold Member and you will be awarded free UK Standard delivery on every future order so long as you remain earning 3000 points in a rolling 12 month period.
Platinum Members
If you earn 4000 points within a 12 month period, you will automatically become a Platinum Member and you will be awarded free UK Next Day delivery on every future order so long as you remain earning 4000 points in a rolling 12 month period.
You can view your points earned when you are logged in...through “My Account”… “My Rewards”.
Terms & Conditions:
- Points are only allocated after 28 days from shipment of your goods if no returns or cancellations have been made on your order.
- You earn points on every £1 spent with us, on items that are kept (Points are removed on any returned/refunded/cancelled items). £1 equals 5 points, 500 points award you a £5 Off discount voucher on your next purchase.
- You can only receive vouchers of £5 denominations. But multiple vouchers can be used together if they adhere to these T&Cs and have not expired.
- Vouchers are valid for 45 days only after you receive them.
- Vouchers can only be used on orders over £30 and on full price items only.
- If you use a loyalty discount voucher, the loyalty discount will be prorated across the line items in your order. If you return any items on a voucher order, we will only refund the amount paid for the item. Any loyalty discount against the items returned will not be applied to any remaining items in your order. If however the value of your returned items is greater than £100, we will then re-issue a £5 voucher for you to use on your next purchase.